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You have just started a life-changing journey and we are here with you every step of the way!

Here are the next things you need to do:


Book Your
On-boarding Call 

This is with your personal Clairvoyant Coach who will walk you through the journey and will help you get acquainted with the school, the platform, and the process.


Read Through The Proven Process

We are starting an adventure together and it always helps to have a Map in hand! Make sure you take a look at where we are going and how we are going to get there.


Introduce Yourself in Our Sisterhood

The women who are successful at their Third Eye reclamation and power are the ones who lean on the Sacred Sisterhood. Go introduce yourself and meet women just like you!


Start Psychic Foundations™

This is the very first course you will take and it will set the stage for your entire Third Eye Awakening and development. Start your journey here and you'll set yourself up for success!

Book Your On-Boarding Call

Let's get you all set up!

In this hour-long call, we will go through your goals in the Mastery Program,
acquaint you with the platform and sisterhood, and get you on the path to success!

Your Map Through Mastery

5 Steps to the Ultimate Personal & Professional Mastery!

Please review the mastery process and let us know if you have any questions!

Step 1:
Psychic Foundations™
Step 2:
Advanced Psychic Tools™
Step 3:
Clairvoyant Psychic Reader™
Step 4:
Clairvoyant Soul Reader™
Step 5:
Clairvoyant Master Healer™
Total Time To Complete:
1 Month

Psychic Foundations™

This is your first step. This course is a daily course for 28 days to learn the foundational tools for keeping your energy clear, getting sovereignty, & opening your Third Eye.

  • One personal Energy Check session around Day 10
  • 8 Modules videos and meditations
  • Weekly Q&A sessions with Alex
Total Time To Complete:
  • 1 Month
  • 8 Modules

Advanced Psychic Tools™

Here you will deepen your understanding of the Energy body, Energy Anatomy, and how manifestation works properly. This class is crucial for proper preparation for Clairvoyant Reading.

  • One personal Energy Check session around Day 10
  • 28 days of videos and meditations
  • Weekly Q&A sessions with Alex
Total Time To Complete:
  • 12 Weeks
  • 12 Modules
  • 12 Psychic Clinics

Clairvoyant Psychic Reader™

professional certification
In this 12-week course you will learn the proven methods to becoming a highly-paid, highly-resonant clairvoyant reader through live practice sessions, weekly videos, and weekly homework 

  • Three Energy Check sessions
  • 12 weeks of videos, processes, and meditations
  • Weekly Q&A sessions with Alex
  • Weekly Psychic Clinic Live Practice
Total Time To Complete:
  • 8 Weeks
  • 8 Modules
  • 8 Psychic Clinics

Clairvoyant Soul Reader™

professional certification
This certification takes your readings to the next level where you can start to look at soul blueprints, imprinting, core pictures, lineage trauma, and more!

  • Two Energy Check sessions
  • 8 weeks of videos, processes, and meditations
  • Weekly Q&A sessions with Alex
  • Weekly Psychic Clinic Live Practice
Total Time To Complete:
  • 16 Weeks
  • 16 Modules
  • 16 Psychic Clinics

Clairvoyant Master Healer™

professional certification
Now that you have learned how to read in a profound and thorough way, this certification will take you to a whole new level - healing! You will learn how to harness the power of clairvoyant healing for miracles shifts and transformations.

  • Six Energy Check sessions
  • 16 weeks of videos, processes, and meditations
  • 16 Weekly Q&A sessions with Alex
  • 16 Weekly Psychic Clinics Live Practice

💰🎁🎉 BONUS:

Calling into Coin™- 5 month program

After you have completed your first certification as a Clairvoyant Psychic Reader™, you'll get access to the Calling into Coin™ program to help you develop a
6-figure, profitable spiritual business!
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Join the Sisterhood

Download the app

Your success is based in your Sisterhood power, connection, and healing!

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
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Start Psychic Foundations

Start Your First Lesson...Let's Go!

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