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Sometimes our Pain
can feel like soul-deep Suffering...

...Like we are drowning in hurt, conflict, confusion, frustration, depression, and anxiety. But we know, underneath it all, we are bigger than all of it. We are SOURCE.

When we get to this place, Spiritual Coaching
can be just exactly what we need to heal, integrate, and overcome the pain and turn it into purpose.

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Spiritual Coaching for the

#Empath | #Starseed | #Lightworker | #Sensitive Soul

Feeling overwhelmed, sister?

As an empath, healer, HSP, starseed, or lightworker,
your journey is unique and beautiful.

But, we know it's not without its challenges. They say those that hold the greatest light are faced with the greatest darkness.

We are here to help you navigate your path, understand your own subconscious mind, and learn to THRIVE on this planet.
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"I'm finally feeling joy for the first time in 20 years.."

One of the best decisions and investments I've made in my healing journey has been working with Alex to overcome my childhood trauma and past relationship abuse. I loved the beautiful space that she holds where I feel witnessed, but I'm never indulged in wallowing or self-sabotaging (which has always been my go-to).  She gives me the opportunity, support, tools, and spiritual understandings to break free of my limiting beliefs that are keeping me out of my truest alignment. I have never felt more empowered and at peace with my past and honestly am feeling joy for the first time in twenty years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Mary Elizabeth, Rhode Island
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spiritual coaching

This Work Is For Those Who Are:

Feeling Overwhelmed

Usually when we are overwhelmed, it is because we are highly sensitive to psychic energy. As someone who deeply connects with the energies around you, crowded places or intense situations (or people) can be exhausting. We will teach you how to manage this sensitivity and use it for your own benefit, rather than for your suffering.

Struggling With Burnout

Whether it is career burnout, emotional burnout, or straight-up "human" burnout, this work will witness you in all of the struggles you are managing, and also arm you with the tools necessary to be able to easily process the stress, calm the nervous system disregulation, and bring you into your natural equilibrium state.

Feeling Stuck

If you feel like you are in a loop of negative emotions, energy or patterning and just can't seem to move forward, no matter what you do, then this work is for you. Through sacred container, we will untangle the energetic mess you find yourself in so you can be free to move forward with ease, grace, and a sense of empowerment.

Struggling With Illness

Isn't it frustrating when your emotional overload manifests as physical symptoms like headaches and fatigue or mental symptoms like anxiety and depression? Pain of this kind can often feel unbearable and imprisoning. Did you know that most of the pain we experience originates from the unseen realms! This work is for you if you are ready to stop being victimized by pain and start to move into power.

Feeling Confused

Tired of feeling misunderstood or not being able to express what you're going through? Are you struggling to understand your pain for yourself? When we don't realize that so much of our pain actually originates in unseen realms, it can feel pretty confusing to process all the feelings, sensations, and energies we are experiencing. This work is for you if you are ready to transform confusion into confidence.

Feeling a little too Black Sheep

Most of us who have come here to do something BIG in the world have always felt different. And that's a good thing! However, if that sensation has progressed into hiding behaviors, playing small, isolating from others, and not living out our purpose, this is a problem. Spiritual coaching is for you if you are ready to work through your blocks and step into the limelight of your soul's direction.

How We Help

We understand the unique challenges you face. Our spiritual coaching packages are designed just for you - to help you navigate this world while honoring your beautiful sensitivity.
Write your awesome label here.

Unveil Your Strengths:

We help you understand your abilities and use them as strengths, not burdens.

Move Forward With Strength

Together, we can break the cycle of negativity and help you step forward with confidence.

Easily Manage Your Energy

Learn how to protect your energy and maintain your emotional balance even in the face of stress, toxicity, and negative people.

Transform Pain into Power

Through spiritual coaching, we can help you transform your struggles into tools for personal growth and healing."
Everything in my life was going wrong when I came to this work. I had been in therapy for 3 years, seen countless healers, and still felt stuck. It wasn't until I understood my soul's blueprint that things started to make sense to me again. Working with Alex has changed my life.
My work with Alex has been nothing short of amazing. After losing my brother to drug addiction, I was a mess, and couldn't move forward. She helped me overcome my blocks and grief and now I can honor my brother in a way I never dreamed of before.

3 Month plan

Focus on One Pain Point
Save $250
This package is for those who want to focus on one issue. It includes:

  • weekly 1-hour zoom sessions 
  • 12 healings & readings total
  • weekly reflection work
  • weekly homework + action items 

6 Month plan

Focus on 1-2 Pain Points
Save $500
This package is for those who want to focus on 1-2 issues. It includes:

  • weekly 1-hour zoom sessions 

8 Month plan

Focus on 2-3 Pain Points
Save $1000
This package is for those who want to focus on 2-3 issues. It includes:

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